January 2023
Tree Houses Campout - S-F Scout Ranch - 1/6 - 1/8
Pack 936 Pinewood Derby - 1/20 - 1/21
February 2023
Green and Gold Banquet - 2/16
Lock-In - Boys & Girls Club of St. Charles - 2/17 - 2/18
Pack 857 Crossover Ceremony - 2/19
Pack 936 Crossover Ceremony - 2/26
March 2023
Pack 628 Central Elementary School CrossOver - 3/6
Spring fishing - Table Rock State Park - 3/18 - 3/20
Rough Plan. (subject to change)
Leave Saturday AM. Bring a sack lunch for the road.
Cook dinner Saturday night.
Cook breakfast Sunday, Sunday is fishing. Cold cuts in a pavillion at the fishing area Sunday for Lunch. Sunday night is fish fry.
Undetermined if cooking breakfast Saturday. Head home.
The fishing spot is "guaranteed to catch a fish." We camp near the lake, but catching fish there is not guaranteed.
We are working on making sure that scouts that need to "shop" or "cook" or "Plan" a meal get an opportunity to do those things for rank or pre-req for Camping merit badge at Summer Camp. At least me (and more) can lead a shopping Friday night, with scouts.